मंगलवार, 19 मई 2015

Chocolate lce cream Recipe....!!!!!!!

 We all love Ice creams and the kids are crazy especially on the chocolate ice cream.  It is very special when its home made ! This home made ice cream has a wonderfully rich chocolate flavor and smooth . Try this simple home texture made ice cream and give a treat to your kids.

Heavy whipping Cream:-1 1/2 cup
sugar :-half cup
Melted Chocolate: 1/3 cup
Unsweetened Cocoa Powder:-3 tablespoon
Vanilla Essence:-1 tbsp.
1. Take a bowl and add ice cubes to it, followed by some water. Place the frozen bowl over it. Add the cream and beat it to cream.
2.Once its double in volume add in sugar and  Vanilla essence beat it again. Once its add the Cocoa powder, melted chocolate and beat again till smooth.
3.Pour it into an air-tight container and freeze it for 4-6 hours or overnight for better results. Next day, remove from freezer and keep the container in room temperature for 5 minutes. Then using an ice-cream scooper, take a scoop of fresh and creamy chocolate ice cream and add it to a bowl or cone
4. Enjoy your chocolate ice-cream topped with your favorite toppings!

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